Thursday, April 06, 2006

Items for Trashspotters.

Thank you to all who request a shirt, shiney jersey, insulated beverage mug or flask, Zippo, button, or other form of Trashspotting official paraphernalia. As of our official emergency council meeting, we are having some of these things made now and we ask a for short grace period while they arrive. A fortnight yes may pass while the items are produced but not longer I hope. We will show pictures of the designs here soon.

Remember to include our logo on your Trashspotting site. And for ease you may link to, which does simply redirect to this place, and is better to remember.

Official guidelines for Trashspotting are under review by Spongebath and Roast Beef tonight after Spongebath is off his work. They may be typed up and released this week-end.

On a personal note I did only have time to TS one street this morning and it was a terrible experience. It happens in the sport yes, there must be some risk to be some value. But the enormous bloody womens' maxi pad I saw on North Greenwood did make me ill. The trash men on that route are quite sloppy indeed, that woman must be quite embarrassed that her physical issue was on the street for all to see.

It will not commonly be vile here, but it will always be honest.